The following slide show is from Sister Ilia Delio’s PowerPoint presentation, Who are you, Lord (Franciscan view), during the July 2012 Quinquennial Congress. See:
St. Clare – 800th year Anniversary.
St. Clare was one of the early followers of St. Francis of Assisi. In 2012 the Franciscan family celebrates the 800th anniversary of Clare’s decision to leave her family for a life of poverty and ministry. Contemporary accounts glow with … Continue reading
August 2nd – Feast of Our Lady of the Angels & The Pardon of Assisi
History of the Portiuncula It was in the night in the year of our Lord 1216, Francis was immersed in prayer and contemplation, in the small church of the Portiuncula, when all of a suddent the church was filled with … Continue reading
782 years ago today.
782 years ago today, on July 16, 1228, Pope Gregory IX canonized Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone. St. Francis had died just two years before his canonization, on the evening of October 3, 1226, as he was singing Psalm 141.
What is Perfect Joy?
Raise your hand if you would like to have Perfect Joy. (raising mine…) Life gives us opportunities for Perfect Joy almost daily, however these opportunities, or conditions, may not be what we think. Do we recognize them as gifts…opportunities … Continue reading