The Chapel of the Stigmata is perched on the edge of the same sheer precipice where St. Francis stood two years before his death and where he was swept up into the mystery of God’s overwhelming love for him and … Continue reading
Happy feast of St. Clare
Last year, throughout the world in 2012, the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Poor Clares was celebrated. The simple life of St. Clare, who lived in a small place outside Assisi’s medieval walls, still speaks to us. Why? … Continue reading
Happy feast of the Portiuncula.
The feast day of the Portiuncula is today! In this video, Father Michael Cusato addresses two questions: what is the Portiuncula and why do we celebrate this feast day?
Our new Pope. A Franciscan Heart.
Yesterday, around 3pmEST, a man of deep humility, great prayer, and a love of the poor, appeared on the balcony as the 266th successor of St Peter. His first words were, “Good evening!”, and so it was! The former archbishop … Continue reading
First Sunday of Lent
Fr. Michael Cusato graciously led our Regional SFO Retreat at Priestfield last fall. Thank you Fr. Cusato!